Sunday, July 28, 2013


Here is a question for men. Yes specifically for men! How comfortable are you discussing periods with your spouse/girl friend/sister?

I can imagine the looks on your faces - "dude, you don't discuss that stuff. It isn't exactly a nice conversation topic you know"

But here is a man who speaks about it like one speaks about the rapes in our country, or like how one discusses the incessant rains and floods and so on. Now the fact that we educated, "well off" men do not discuss it goes on to prove that a man who is slogging day in day out for the next meal would most definitely not care about it. And in a country where most families have only one person, the man of the family, who brings money for the family means that nobody cares about the unhygienic conditions women go through during their menstruation.

Here is a video that will give you perspective on this...

Franklin Templeton Investments partnered the TEDxGateway Mumbai in December 2012.

One man wanted to make a difference. It took a lot of time and a lot of effort. It took a lot of failures and a lot of guts, but he is here today, sharing with the world what a few corporations have always dreaded. A cheaper, easier and simpler alternative to the super expensive sanitary napkin.

He chose a path that an ordinary man would dread to even consider. Imagine asking women folk of the house on feedback about sanitary napkins. You would be looked upon like a mad man. The world would probably brand you a lunatic and your close ones would question you about the purpose of all this. "Isn't it a better option to just let this to the social activists?" they ask. Shouldn't you be planning about your sons education or your daughters wedding?

Why this concern for the millions of women whom you don't know about. Why should you be concerned when nobody else is?

When you choose to become the social activist rather than sit and watch the world go by and expect something to happen, you become a hero. When you decide, as the father of our nation splendidly put it, to be the change you want to see, you are a hero.

Mr Muruganantham with all humility says, "not so educated me talking to lots educated you" and I bow in shame. You Sir, are far more "educated" than a million of us put together. You had the heart and the mind to make this wonderful contribution to a world that is seeing more bad than good every day. It is the "uneducated" men like you that inspire the "educated" lot like us and help us understand the true purpose of life.

This is a tribute to Mr Arunachalam Muruganantham who was inspired to create a low cost sanitary napkin, to invent a cottage industry level machinery to mass produce these napkins and change the lives of India's women in a small but extremely significant way.



  1. I agree it is a great difficulty to be able to speak freely on such things - and yet this man made a remarkable presentation on this. He is doing a wonderful job and no words are good enough to praise him.

  2. Issue of taboo are seldom taken up. Loved the work this person is doing. Remarkable.
